Mobile Training Courses (MTCs)

In addition to our regularly scheduled group classes, we offer the following mobile training courses (MTCs) that can be taught anywhere in the world at a host provided location. Pricing varies based on course, location and group size. Please contact us directly for hosting requirements and specific details.

Adam Scholl teaching students at the Renzo Gracie PA Academy how to use their BJJ to address an assailant who is armed with an edged weapon.

Adam Scholl teaching students at the Renzo Gracie PA Academy how to use their BJJ to address an assailant who is armed with an edged weapon.

Down but not out

This 2 day (16 hour) ground centric mobile course focuses on dealing with an assailant who is armed with a gun or knife. This course utilizes Brazilian jiu jitsu and other grappling techniques to show the student how to control the attacker and escape problematic positions on the ground. Students will also learn practical knife defense techniques against an attacker from the feet. Students will pressure test their newly learned skills against a non-compliant, resisting opponent before leaving, to ensure that their newly acquired skills are able to be utilized in a real life event.

Earning the draw

Whether you carry a knife, gun or impact weapon for self defense, the most overlooked issue as it pertains to weapons is our ability to access them during a physical altercation. This 1 day (8 hour) block of instruction is designed to teach students to “earn the opportunity” to access their weapon while already engaged in a physical altercation. Specific aspects of vertical grappling or “clinch work” will be covered and students will leave with a better appreciation for the empty hand skills needed to assist them in getting to their weapon. No prior combatives experience i necessary. Students should bring their EDC holster, non functioning training weapon (blue gun) and training blade (non sharpened). Additional blue guns (Glock/Beretta) and NOK training blades will also be provided. Students will pressure test their newly learned skills against a non-compliant, resisting opponent before leaving, to ensure that their newly acquired skills are able to be utilized in a real life event.

Pictured above are several of the training weapons used to teach “Earning the Draw”

Pictured above are several of the training weapons used to teach “Earning the Draw”

Adam Scholl demonstrating a default fighting stance where the hands come up to protect the head and the body is set up to move and or generate power.

Adam Scholl demonstrating a default fighting stance where the hands come up to protect the head and the body is set up to move and or generate power.

Fundamental self-defense (FSD)

FSD is a 2 day (16 hour) crash course in the fundamental skills of self-protection. Students will learn how to generate power and throw basic strikes to keep attackers off of them and stay vertical and mobile during a violent encounter. Students will also practice a significant amount of vertical grappling or “clinch work” as nearly 100% of all physical altercations involved an entanglement at some point. In addition students will be introduced to basic ground fighting concepts and techniques to help them escape common problem positions on the ground. This course is designed for the every day person who wants to front load the most critical skills and prioritize their self-defense training.